Mission Statement
Empower all ages to achieve sexual wellness through access to comprehensive, sex-positive, inclusive sexual health education and services

Who is Ok Sweet?
Ok SWEET is Dawn Ansdell who is a sexual health educator and a nurse practitioner. With over 20 years in health care educating patients, I enter sexual wellness education as a cis-gendered daughter, wife, and mother of 2 school-aged boys. I am passionate about arming people with knowledge and understanding about the health and wellness of their bodies without shame, fear or guilt.
The goal is to deliver comprehensive, sexual wellness education from an inclusive, sex-positive, science-based lens to ensure everyone can accept their body as it is and make space for all bodies to thrive.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Masters of Science in Professional Practice of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
- Developing Skills in Reproductive and Sexual Health Care
- Certified Sexual Health Educator
What is Ok Sweet?
A service dedicated to providing sex-positive, inclusive, science-based information so all ages feel empowered to embrace and accept their sexual self.
Education sessions can be tailored to suit any age or topic. These can be taught 1:1, group or classroom settings or virtually. A range of topics to be considered:
- Reproductive anatomy and physiology
- Physiology of reproduction and how families are made
- Consent and the law
- Spectrum of gender
- Puberty changes
- Healthy relationships and sexual decision making
- Contraception options and links to local services
- Sexually shared infections: Prevention, testing and treatments
- Becoming a supportive adult in the sexual well-being of the youth in your life

Lack of awareness about the normal functions of the human body, particularly intimate body parts subsequently leads to shame, embarrassment and can decrease the enjoyment of intimacy. Comprehensive, inclusive, sex-positive education about this very important part of the human experience can improve self esteem, protect against sexual abuse, exploitation and assault, encourage tolerance and acceptance of all genders and sexual orientations in our society. Providing science-based education with links to accurate resources will help to stave off the inaccurate and inappropriate messages found on the internet and in the media.
If people, and particularly children are not educated from credible sources, their curiosity about their bodies will propel them to seek and find information from disreputable sources such as porn and social media. Encouraging comprehensive sexual wellness education will help empower all to be able to discern the complexities of what is really happening on screen and what the expectations are for conducting themselves in intimate relationships.
We don’t expect people to learn algebra without understanding the foundations of math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) first….so how can we expect sexual health to be any different? Start early, use science, answer honestly and be available. Kids will take in only what they can comprehend. Research has shown that youth given comprehensive, sexual health education are more likely to start having sexual relationships later, have healthier relationships and will be safer in those relationships. Give them those tools today!!